Friday, January 4, 2013

Twelve's 2013 craft & non-craft goals

I'm one of those people that thinks using the term "new year's resolution" is pish posh.  PISH POSH I TELL YOU.  I haven't known many people who stick to things called "resolutions."  I do however, enjoy goals.  Goals are much more low-key and usually more attainable.  I probably won't lose all my excess pounds next year, but that's not what my goals are about.

I actually really enjoy reading, even though I don't get much time for it after a full time job and trying to keep up a pretty serious knitting habit.  My goal tends to stick around 16 books (I tried 24 last year but it was too much).  I did read all the Scott Pilgrims in 2012 to boost my numbers because they took hardly any time at all read, but I suppose that's only cheating in my mind.  My husband doesn't like that I don't consider graphic novels "real" books.  If you want to see my 2012 reading list, you can see that right here.
  1. Read 16 books (should be attainable, considering that's been my number the last couple years)
  2. Read all 12 Hellboy graphic novels (included in the 16 books, see Jesse!), main volumes only -- no Odd Jobs or anything
  3. Knit my first sweater
  4. Finish/frog all unfinished knit items (see this post)
  5. Mystery photo project (12 photos)
  6. Have all birthday and Christmas gifts be either handmade, bought via local handmade vendors, or through local independent stores
Purchasing all gifts locally I'm dreading and looking forward to at the same time.  I really want to devote a year supporting local craftspeople or buying through local stores (like Powells or local gift shops).  Any items handmade by me I want to purchase products through a local store, like Collage or Yarn Garden.  I know that my family of two buying gifts locally won't make much of a difference, but there are 12 people in my immediate family and that means at least 24 gifts being bought locally, and you can't deny that's a good effort!  If there are things that I need to buy from a store with a larger selection I have deemed Bi-Mart (a NW chain store) acceptable as well, because we'll be putting money back into a regionally local business.  And heck, I suppose I could even fork over my own $5 membership money instead of using one of my dad's old cards.

(A note on handmade gifts: I try not to force myself to make gifts for everyone on my list.  If I know someone will love something I make, I'll make it.  Otherwise I buy something!  Not everyone is excited about a handknit item, and lots of people just don't understand the amount of time that goes into a handmade craft - and that's okay.  It means more knitting time for my own bad self.)

2013 non-craft goals commence!

1 comment:

  1. We read three of the same books last year! I'm sure I practically forced them on you, too. :P

    Good luck with ALL your goals, Miss.
