Hark, the last of the Halloween posts for the year!
I was linked to these Halloween luminaries on Craftster (full blog post within the link). I loooooved them! I was a little concerned it would be one of those crafts where the original looks awesome but mine looks, like..well, it would be one of those crafts that I pretend never happened.
But, it wasn't! The white was the hardest one to get rather dense, and I recommend staying with actual colors. I grabbed a few small sheets of tissue paper from World Market that were all ripped and torn from separating individual gift boxes, gathering them up from the floor of the store (my husband was not pleased by this). Even though it was enough paper to do one layer, once the white paper got wet with Mod Podge, that sucker was almost clear.
I was afraid I wasn't being very clever with using original designs, but I finally came up with three to use. (My sister also made 4 of these and I didn't want to do any of the same ones she did.) Here's what I came up with!
I winged the classic pumpkin face, and got the rest online. The skeleton was a pain in the you know what and I was glad when it was over. Because these are rather small and the outline is what matters, they definitely don't need to be perfect (actually, I accidentally cut off one of the ankle bones on the skeleton and taped it back on the leg). I found it was easier to use scissors instead of an x-acto knife.
I liked that the original luminaries had glitter around the rim, but I ABHOR using glitter (it gets everywhere!!) but I have a small tube of Mod Podge glitter I've been wanting to use, so I put some of that on there. It's really subtle and something only I notice, but it's the little things in life.
This project was F-R-E-E because they were all things I had on hand, or my sister and mom had tissue paper they weren't using. You just need jars, tissue paper, black paper and Mod Podge and a brush. And a hair dryer, if you're impatient like me. I didn't even have any candles to put in them for most the time but they sure looked cute on my armoir!
I love it! I'm going to try and find a long, low table to put up next year so I can have more of these. They turned out great.