I'm pretty happy how it turned out. I cut a piece of thick cardstock around the beard and roughly sewed it there (otherwise the mouth drooped). I also put a piece under the knitting needles.
I had a broken set of size 7 knitting needles, from when I first started knitting and kept my knitting on the floor and stepped on it. Learning experiences! Luckily I held on the them and finally found a use. I cut the knitting needles down and whittled the ends a little bit to fit a white bead on them. Crudely.
I glued the beads on with some Elmer's craft glue that I had originally bought to use for quilling, and then put some on the backside of the stitches so they wouldn't fall all over the place.
I used a couple finishing nails to nail it through the cardstock/cardboard and ruffled the knitting in front of it. Tada!
Well, if something happens and a freak accident causes jesse to lose his beard... at least he has a replacement